What is a Baptist Church?
Baptist churches have lots in common with most other churches (e.g. Church of England, etc). Baptist churches began about four hundred years ago in England and Europe, and are now all round the world. Our special features are:.
- the Bible is our guide above any other ideas or traditions
- a church run by its members, who themselves chose a qualified minister (trained by a national Bible college), and other leaders/trustees. Church members share in the ideas and decisions of what the church does
- a community of believers – or, as the Bible puts it, the “household of faith”. A group of people who care for each other, and who reach out to care for others outside the church
- we welcome anyone at all to come to the Church and share in its life. We encourage committed Christians to fully belong and play an active part by becoming Church Members: “...in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others” (Romans 12:5)